Newport Valley Shorthorns - For more than Sixty
Years, Newport Valley Shorthorns & Polled Shorthorns has produced outstanding quality breeding stock to establish new herds throughout the USA. The cowherd remains one of the largest purebred Shorthorn and Polled Shorthorn herds of cattle and is respected for not just the physical breeding quality of the animals, but also for their gentle personality around gentle humans. They graze the rolling green hills of Newport Valley. The animals are sold privately as Breeding Stock. Most business is conducted by phone and visits.
The purpose of our website is mainly to show you that Newport Valley Shorthorns is a quality herd of registered cattle. And, occasionally we will identify current bulls or show calves for sale.
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Newport Valley
Newport Valley Shorthorns
For more than sixty years, Newport Valley Shorthorns & Polled Shorthorns has produced outstanding quality breeding stock to establish new herds throughout the USA. Although smaller now, for decades the herd was one of the nation's largest purebred Shorthorn and Polled Shorthorn herds of cattle and is respected for not just the physical breeding quality of the animals, but also for their gentle personality around gentle humans. They graze the rolling green hills of Newport Valley. The animals are sold privately as breeding stock. Most business is conducted by phone and visits. The newest editions to the herd are several beautiful blue roans registered as Shorthorn Plus (Angus).
The purpose of our website is mainly to show you that Newport Valley Shorthorns is a quality herd of registered cattle. And, occasionally we will identify bulls or calves currently for sale.
Please click on any of the tabs in the menu above for more information or to view photos of the cattle on pasture. NOTE: The photos were taken over time and do not suggest that each individual is currently in the herd, though many are. Our animals live long lives and when we keep heifers, they usually remain in the herd permanently,
Thank you for your interest in Newport Valley Shorthorns in Iowa, USA.
Greetings as we
continue to update
our Website.
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